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Sounds of Silence

Sound and music play an essential role in our wellbeing and experience of the world. One of the most important components of music is the space between the notes. That is what gives us rhythm, rather than just noise.


But sometimes, the experience we most need is to be still and quiet. Silence can be a portal for recalibration, to recentre ourselves, and to take a breath. 


But how can we find these moments of calm in hospital life?


Did you know that UHBW has designated quiet areas? 


  • Chaplaincy and sanctuary spaces are available in all buildings. Open to those of all faiths and none.

  • Some wards have ‘wobble rooms’ set up to help staff take a break.

  • Green spaces are never more than a few steps outside the door 


Seek out these spaces to take a moment when you need to. 

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Green spaces for Bristol main site.

Treasure Mapping at Weston General Hospital


During Weston Arts & Health Week 2021, a treasure mapping workshop invited staff to connect with the hospitals green spaces and map their ‘green treasure’. 

The activities aimed to encourage noticing, focus attention and invite connection in order to create a space to begin the discussion about what is valued now and ideas for change or enhancement. 

The idea behind this is that when staff have an opportunity to experience the positive effects of spending time in the hospitals green spaces the likelihood that they might recommend this to patients will also increase. 

Following this workshop, a hospital green spaces map for staff, patients and visitors is in development.

Credit: Bethan Marriott

What is a wobble room? 


A wobble room is a place to go to take a pause when you’re feeling overwhelmed or in need of a little space to do some psychological first aid. This designated space for health care workers offers a little sanctuary, and the opportunity to emotionally recuperate during this stressful time. 


Sarah Shatwell, Head of Staff Counselling Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS FT, said “We recognise that our staff are facing unprecedented demands and we will continue to do all we can to ensure they have the support they need. All of the rooms have information about how to access further support including counselling, psychological support, and support in relation to traumatic incidents”. 

There are a number of similar spaces across UHBW and staff can also access 24/7 advice, information and counselling support available from Care First. This is available via the Wellbeing pages of the intranet. 

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